Thursday, March 30, 2006

Let there be light!

Finally after more then a year our church has gotten ELECTRICITY!!!!! Everyone is so happy, and we celebrated by having prayers at church instead of going to someone's house. It was so great. The people of the church have been saving and taking up a collection for electricity since we got here and even before that! So they've worked hard, and now hopefully we'll be able to have some activities there in the evenings!

You can see our electricity working full stop as the ladies are all smiles at our prayer meeting.

The smaller girls are in my Sunday School class, and Bolkanyo (tall older one on the left) is one of the youth that lives on our side of the villiage.

Funny conversation!

Bolkanyo, the older girl in the picture above, was over at our house for a ride to prayers. Well earlier that day Brandy had washed the truck, which was in need of a massive cleaning. So as we're walking out Brandy happily exclamis "Bolkanyo, look at our truck, look how clean it is. I washed it today!" As i'm locking the front door to the house i hear "Ah Brandy, it is not clean. It is still dirty!" Folks let me tell you that i just about fell over at Bolkanyo's response. What was even more funny was that her and Brandy went back and forth saying it was clean, and it wasn't clean forever! Till finally Bolkanyo yells at me "Ah Carmel, tell her i'm not telling lies." That just made me laugh even harder at them. So me being me, went over and tried to give them my best diplomatic answer. With that they both seemed pleased, and we all got in the truck and bounced and laughed our way down the road to church. So it remins with you..... Is it clean, or not clean, now that is the question..... Posted by Picasa

Grandma's in town!

So last week i get this phone call from my friend Thandie that goes to church with me, and she says "your grandmother is here, come and visit her." Now i don't know about you but i was a little shocked. I was like what grandmother? Then i pieced it together that Thandie was talking about this little old woman that we go and visit and have a Bible study with in the villiage of Gungwe. It was so good to see her, that we just laughted and hugged forever. After all of that she wanted her "photo" taken. She knows that i always carry my camera around with me, so she wanted a picture of her and her friend that was selling brooms at the market. Apparently i'm the resident villiage photographer! hahahah...but that's ok with me, it just means that i have more pictures to share with you!

On the right is Simame, "my grandmother" as she likes me to call her.

Cute Baby!

Today our neighbor brought over her baby for us to see. Well, the turth is we've only known her for about a week. She came by last week and ask Brandy if she could have some soap to wash her baby's clothes with. So in her way of thanking us, she brought over her bouncing baby boy for us to see. Let me tell you he is a cutie pie! He is sooooo big, he is only 6 months old but he could already be in the heavy weight divsion. Although he is the second big baby i've seen in this week, so i'm sure it's got to do with something that they are eating. Anyway, though just thought you would like to see what cutie i got to play with today!!!!

Isn't he just the cutiest little baby you ever saw?! He's so big, oh my gosh you should see his legs and tummy there huge! You just want to squeeze him....nicely of course ;-)  Posted by Picasa

Frogs - Unwanted house guest!

Things that live in my house, besides me and Brandy. I have the occasional lizards, always spiders, and now frogs! Lizards: Don't bother me much because they pretty much stay out of my way. Spiders: Since i'm the resident spider killer, i don't really care about them. Just one quick smack with your shoe and you're fine. Well except for the big splat on the bottom of your shoe, but just wipe it off on the garbage can and you're good to go. Posted by Picasa

Now frogs, that's where i draw the line! Just look at that big mama frog on my front porch! Thank goodness, i only have the little ones inside. Plus the fact that they are one of my top three things that i'm most afraid of and dislike most in the world! #1 being RATS....I'm pretty much terrified & horrified of those things. I can give Jamie Lee Curtis a run for her scream any day of week when ever i see a rat. #2 are CHICKENS..come on they can hurt you! Maybe not peck you to death, but they can still do a lot of damage. Last time one was in the yard, i couldn't tell if I was chasing it or if it was chasing me! So i finally gave up and ran into the house, and let Brandy and Grace take care of it!
#3 are FROGS! They are just gross! They're little, slimy, & sticky, plus they can jump, and now they have invaded my bathroom and bedroom!!! I'm not joking I've got little tiny jumping frogs in my bathroom and now even in my bedroom, and i don't know how to get rid of them! I've tried everything, i've ducked taped the toilet, bathtub drain, and what i thought was a crack in the wall! I always keep the stopper in the sink drain, but somehow some where they are still coming. Posted by Picasa

But nothing works!!! It's not i can call the frog exterminator!! Right now i'm using a little dust pan and hand held broom to scoop the stupid things up with...grrrr...I need help, please i'll take any ideas you may have! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Places to live - Where to Go?

Yes, i've followed everyone else and took the quiz at to see the best place for me upon my return to the states. No, i wouldn't jump off a bridge just because everyone else is doing it. But i thought since this didn't involve any free falling from any unreasonable heights, that i would do it. So these are the top places......
  1. Tons of places in North Carolina
  2. Virginia made the cut a few times
  3. Two random places in New Jersey
  4. Oklahoma!?! What, that's just crazy
  5. Of course Knoxville, Tennessee...what can be better then home?!

So NC isn't so bad, i looked at a few places it's kind of nice, especially since i'm looking into going to seminary there. Of course my old college hometown of K-town is an excellent choice. But what about Atlanta or San Francisco?! Those are really cool places to live. Anyway, that's what the quiz said. So do you know of any places that would be good for me and that i would like????