Monday, August 27, 2007

Back in TN!!!

Wow, after my good-byes in Botswana and vacation time in Uganda i landed back in the states. So i've been back in the states for 2 months now, and as you can see from the pictures my two homes are worlds apart. I love both. Now that i'm back in the states i'm trying to get use to life on this side, it's hard at times, but i'm happy to see all my friends and family again. I'm very excited about this next chapter in my life. I'm staying with the IMB and i'm doing a new program called J3 - student mobilization!! I'm basically getting to go around and talk about my life for the past 2 1/2 years, and get more college students and young adults plugged into missions!!! My main focus is the BCM at UT, and other area colleges and churches!!! God has been great and has all ready blessed my life more then i could have imaged!! An awesome thing with this new job, i may be able to lead a group of students back to Botswana or somewhere else in Africa on a mission trip!!!! So this is not the end of my love affair with Africa or the rest of the world for that matter!!


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