Sunday, December 31, 2006


Another GREAT part of my visit home, was getting to see some of my best friends in the world!! I had a blast getting to see and hear all about what's been going on in their lives for the past two years. While i've been on the "far side" of the earth tying to firgue out the best way NOT to eat animal intestine! Back home Jill is working on becoming Dr. Jill and trying to correct our use of the English language one college freshman at a time. Nikki is as much a go getter as ever, by both working at and going to seminary all at the same time. Then we have bubbly Mindy who is as sweet and great as ever making her way in Atlanta, GA!! You go girl, your city is twice the size of my country!!! I have grown up with these girls, and it is amazing to see the wonderful women they have become!!
I was thrilled to see even more of my nearest and dearest friends while i was in good ol' k-town!! I don't know what i would have done without you guys, while trying to make sense of undergrad!! I had a blast driving around the cove with mountain man Craig, while i was there. I think he may acutally be the most grown up of us all. He bought a house while i was gone! Hum, kind of makes me wanting to decorate an apartment when i get back, as a sign of me putting down roots, a little out of wack! Oh well, even though he has a house and a "grown up" job, i think it's awesome that He sees his work place as his mission field and always goes on short term vol mission trips. Keep it up!

I had a great time getting together with my friend and awesome roommate while i was home! It was just like old times, but better! You'll not find a more lively and fun person to be around then Lisa. I don't just say that because we once shared J7 together, but it's true. Her friendship and always encouraging if not the funnest e-mails ever has really been great over the past two years! She is a true sister, in that we are both "sex workers"....abstinence teachers if you will! Lisa is pretty much doing the same thing that i was doing back in Masunga, but over in the states. By going into the classrooms of local high schools and giving them all the dirt on sex before marriage, and encouraging them to follow God's plan for thier lives.Then we have Miss Sonya who is working with my favorite people group in the whole world!! Her's is a "grown up" job an elementary school counselor. I think that is way cool. Making a difference in the way a child grows up will totally effect who he is as an adult!! See what did i tell you, i have some pretty amazing friends. Although i didn't get to see all of my amazing friends, it sure was such a blessing and awesome Christmas gift to see the few that i was able to see!!! Hope to see the rest of you when i get back. Posted by Picasa


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